Some can take months to sort out, while others may only take a few weeks, but regardless of the number of days it spans, a divorce in Youngstown, OH is a hard battle to fight. It’s an even harder battle to win without competent legal representation. For more information on divorces…
The terms dissolution and divorce are often used interchangeably by those not familiar with the law. But, a dissolution and a divorce are two completely different actions, although both serve the purpose of terminating a marriage. For more information on dissolutions…
Although the relationship with the other parent has ended, the children who are conceived in these relationships are the most precious of creations. It is important not only to be involved in their lives as they mature, but also to make sure they receive proper parenting and adult guidance so that they may grow in safe and loving environments. For more information on child custody…
A common misconception that many unmarried fathers have is that they are automatically entitled to visitation time with their children. Ohio law required unnamed fathers to assert their rights through the courts. It must be established by the court. It is most commonly done by the father filing the necessary documents. For more information on parental visitation rights…
Our children are our world. We want to be able to provide them with everything they need to succeed in life, but to do this, often we need financial resources. For more information on child support…
In Ohio, any person under the age of 18 is considered a juvenile. Because the law makes a distinction between the legal proceeding of adults and juveniles, the world of juvenile law can be a frightening area if you are not familiar with it. For more information on juvenile law…